What to Do When Experiencing an Adverse Reaction to Natural Skincare Products

Learn what to do if you experience an adverse reaction to natural skincare products such as itching, swelling, bumps or hives. Find out how alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) can cause reactions and how to reduce discomfort.

What to Do When Experiencing an Adverse Reaction to Natural Skincare Products

If you suspect an allergic reaction to a skin care product or experience itching, swelling, or a bump after applying a product, it is important to take immediate action. First, remove the product and rinse the area with clean, cool water. Then, apply a cold compress to the area to reduce heat and itching. The other type of reaction that can occur is called allergic contact dermatitis.

Symptoms of this reaction can include redness, swelling, itching, and hives. The skin may become red and raw. Allergic reactions can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on the face, lips, eyes, ears, and neck.

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs)

are commonly found in beauty products and can cause redness, swelling, blisters, rash, or itching in some people.

This is more likely to occur with strong products that have an AHA concentration greater than 10% or a pH (acidity level) of 3.5 or less. To reduce discomfort from an allergic reaction, you can apply a cold, damp compress to the skin. Additionally, applying a mild hydrocortisone cream to the rash can help relieve itching.

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